
Sign Materials for the California Supreme Court


REAVC has been working steadily to protect retiree pensions, including litigation support. We are asking for your help in three ways:

  1. Please help us by adding your signature to the final materials related to the Supreme Court.  Over 400 have already signed, and every signature helps.  See the instructions below.
  1. If you can, please make a donation to support this work. Any amount helps. Whatever you can contribute will help support the cause!

To make a donation, click the DONATE link. Pay securely by credit card or PayPal.  If you prefer, you can mail a check to REAVC, Litigation Fund, P.O. Box 7231, Ventura, CA 93006.  Please note “Litigation Fund”  in the memo line on your check. Thank you so much.  We will keep you informed!

       3. If you have not provided your email address to REAVC, please do. You can send it to info@REAVC.org.               This way we can keep you informed and be sure you get the newsletters.

Sign Materials for the California Supreme Court

If you are willing to support our cause, please complete the form and select the “I consent to signing this letter” option between now and February 28, 2025. Your participation is crucial in bringing our pension issue to the attention of the California Supreme Court. Thank you for your support.


Dear Retirees and Friends:

REAVC’s most important issue at this time is protecting VCERA retirees from potential pension reductions for those who retired on or after January 1, 2013.  VCERA insists that these reductions are required by the California Supreme Court’s Alameda decision (effective September 1, 2020). So far, after litigation filed by VCERA,  the Superior and Appellate Courts have said that while VCERA MUST apply the requirements of Alameda to employees who retire ON OR AFTER September 1, 2020, they only MAY apply the required changes on or after beginning August 2020 for those who retired  January 1, 2013, or later. VCERA still claims going back to those who retired on or after January 1, 2013 is required.  We do not agree on what pay items need reduction or elimination, and certainly not to retirees since 2013.  This is based on legal advice, union opinions, and the opinions of other 1937 Act Counties.  The main focus of reductions at this point are elimination of some vacation buydown from final compensation; callback and standby pay (and similar), and for more recent retirees, removal of Flex Credit from final compensation. In fact, we do not agree that these reductions are required by law at all.

REAVC’s primary duty is to protect retirees’ pensions, especially for those already retired. We take this responsibility very seriously, first to be sure that VCERA only reduces pensions for those that retired on or after September 1, 2020, NOT those who retired on or after January 1, 2013, as they currently plan to do. Just as importantly, we want to be sure that the actions follow the true requirements of the law.

We have tried to work with VCERA, appearing at every Board meeting for more than a year, providing documents to prove our case.  Seeing no opening for discussion, REAVC hired an attorney on your behalf.   We have supported the ongoing litigation by the unions. In doing this, we have been working with another group, also working for all of us.  That  group consists of a retired CEO, a retired elected official, a retired member of County Counsel, retired department heads, and retired division heads.  They have been admitted as “Friends of the Court.” They have also appeared before the VCERA Board and the courts, as needed.

Recently the California Supreme Court unanimously agreed to hear this case. We will soon submit information to the Court. In requesting that  the Supreme Court hear this matter, REAVC was able to include signatures of more than 400 retirees, gathered in 3 days.  We believe your support was instrumental in the Court deciding to hear the case. We are again asking for your support by adding your signature to the final materials for the Court. We hope to gather 1,000 or more signatures.

THANK YOU in advance for your help!

Roberta Griego

First Vice President

REAVC Board of Directors

Any of you who are interested in volunteering or serving as a Board member, please let any of our current Board members know. You may also leave a telephone message for us at (805) 644-7814 or write an email and send it to  info@reavc.org. You can also visit our website at reavc.org. There you will find links to past newsletters, minutes of Board meetings, and information about upcoming events posted on the website. If you have questions, please feel free to contact any REAVC officer or Board member. 

REAVC CALENDAR FOR 2024 – Every plan is made to be changed but failure to plan is to plan to fail. HUH? Anyway, our current calendar for 2024 can be found by clicking here. CLICK  HERE!! 2024 – REAVC Calendar Just remember, the calendar is subject to change despite our best efforts.