

Newsletter The Retired Employees Association of Ventura County publishes a periodic newsletter (4-6 times per year). Because of the costs of mailing hard copy newsletters to each member we are trying to transition toward primarily electronic delivery of the newsletter – primarily by email. The most recent newsletters are available online by accessing the links below. If you don’t have email access – or just don’t want anything but hard copy version, we are still mailing out hard copy to those members for the foreseeable future. EMAIL subscription to the Newsletter If you are a REAVC member and want to receive the newsletter by email, send a request to Ben Emami at and we will add you to our email delivery list. Be sure to include your name and phone number and identify the subject as “REAVC Newsletter Subscription”.   All information is required and confidential.  This information will not be shared with outside organizations. The advantages of email subscription is that it saves all REAVC members money, you receive the newsletter about a week or 10 days before U.S. Mail version, and it comes in “living color”. 

Contribute to the Newsletter Members are encouraged to submit their views, comments, articles, cartoons and photos pertinent to REAVC issues.  You must include your name, so we can verify your membership, but your name will be withheld from publication if you so request.  Please email your submissions to REAVC to me – again at

Newsletter Archives

The newsletters are in .pdf format, and viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click on the link below for the newsletter you would like to view.

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